Estherville Parish
Join us Sundays @ 10:30am!
You Are Welcome
Our Mission: Joining Jesus in His Work of Renewal
What to Expect
Each week we gather to worship God through song, and hear God’s Word preached. We’re a relaxed group so you can come as you are. Our services typically last between 60-75 minutes and we love having a good time! Make sure you stop at Guest Services and pick up a special gift for visitors!
Nursery and Kids Classes are available!
Recent Estherville Sermons
Parish Ministries
Kids Ministry
We can’t wait to serve your family! Check out what we have available for your and your family:
Nursery - Every Week, Except Final Sunday of the Month
Kids Classes - Summer Break
Student Ministry
Want to get your middle or high school student plugged in? We’re always wanting to see teens make a decision for Christ!
Food Bank
We love serving our greater Emmet County community with our Mobile Food Bank, a partnership with the Iowa Food Bank.
Estherville Staff
Jesse Orttel
Linda Prince
Caleb Winebrinner
Upcoming Events in Estherville

Have A Question?
We get it… And we’re here to help! If you have any questions about who where are, where we’re at, or how we do things, just ask!
Visit Us
2014 Central Ave
Estherville, IA 51334
Worship Gathering(s)
Sundays, 9:30am
(712) 362-4984