Student Ministry
Learn more about how we make disciples at Good News through our students!
Student Ministry resumes on January 4! 6:30 to 8:00P!
Student Ministry resumes on January 4! 6:30 to 8:00P!
Our Philosophy
For student ministry, we believe that SIMPLE is better. Here’s where we spend our focus so kids can grasp the truth’s of God’s Word:
Student-Led Worship
Relevant Teaching (Usually through books of the Bible)
Small Group Discussion (High School with HS, MS with Middle School, Boys with Boys, Girls with Girls)
Student Retreats, Trips, Service Projects, and Game Nights
Students in Okoboji
Middle School
We provide Middle School specific Peer Groups for discussion and growth. These groups are usually divided up as BOYS and GIRLS to allow for appropriate discussion and friendship building.
Our Middle School Ministry meets on Wednesday Nights, starting at 6:30P and ending at 8P.
High School
We are blessed to serve a number of high schools at Good News and combine our high school groups into one large peer group to see them as one student body advancing the mission of Jesus.
Our High School Ministry meets on Wednesday Nights, starting at 6:30P and ending at 8P.
Students in Estherville
Middle & High School
For the time being our Good News Estherville location will be participating with Student Ministries at Grandview Baptist Church in Estherville. For more information click here.
What ages are allowed?
We serve students 5th thru 12th Grade.
Can my student bring a younger sibling?
We limit our student environments to 5th thru 12th grade students and their adult leaders! We want to keep student environments age-appropriate discipleship opportunities!
Can I serve as an adult?
We love adult leaders! We’d love for you to serve! All of our adults undergo a criminal background check and undergo a required abuse prevention training. Let us know here you’d love to serve.
Want to be a leader?
We’re always looking for committed adults who want to come alongside teens to help them grow as they follow Jesus!
All volunteers must undergo a criminal background check and abuse-prevention training.

Meet Caleb
Caleb is one of our Middle School leaders and can be found teaching Large Group for all grades and ages! Caleb works in the medical field by day, but come night fall he is an avid fisherman, disciple-making extraordinaire, and all-around great guy! Caleb also serves on our Teaching Team on Sunday Mornings.