Become a Member
Attend "Discover Good News"
The best place to start with Membership at Good News is by attending a “Discover Good News” class where you can learn more about us and how to get connected.
Meet with an Elder
The next step in our Membership Process is to meet with one of our Elders. They want to hear your story, build a relationship, and answer any questions you might have.
Be Sent
Once you become a member at Good News we want to see you “sent” on Mission for Jesus! It’s time to unleash your God-given talents on the world. We desire everyone to serve, give, and keep growing.
An upcoming DISCOVER GOOD NEWS Class is set for November 5th! At both churches following the service
Start my membership journey:
Fill out the attached form to take your next step in being a member at Good News, or just sign up to attend one of our Discover Good News classes by clicking above.