“Awesome Power of Vision” (Part 2)

Celebrate Recovery Blog January 2025

“Awesome power of Vision” (Part 2)

Last month I gave you insight into what not having a clear vision for your life could look like, and several points to look out for when you feel that you do not. Remember, You cannot live in faith unless you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pride can lead to destruction. You know you are living in faith when you are doing things that you know you could not do on your own. Pastor Rick pointed out that there are three key points you should think about when you are changing or creating a vision for your life.

#1. The Humble are teachable!

#2. Take stock of your life.

#3. Always act in faith!

Part of having a clear vision is to set some goals for your life. Scenario goal setting means to set multiple goals based on several different scenarios, depending on things that happen in your life. Character goal setting means setting your goals based on what type of person you want to be. If you are unhappy with the current lifestyle you live, maybe it is time for a change. Remember God is more interested in your character than He is your conduct. We all fail sometimes. Always act in Faith! If you want to succeed in your quest to live in faith, not fear, and have a clear vision of your future, you may have to refocus your mind. Change the way you think first, when our mind is guarded and we are alert, it is much easier to observe and evaluate slip ups much more quickly. Romans 12: 2 “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” In conclusion, when you do not have a clear vision of what kind of life you could be living, it is time to practice these 5 simple steps.

#1. Review- Are you satisfied with your vision?

#2. Reveal- What do you think about?

What are you feeling?

#3. Regroup- Read Romans 12:1-2 again.

#4. Rethink- Change the way you think!

#5. Reclaim- The new vision of the way you want to

Live your life!

Changing old hurts, habits, and hang-ups can be difficult, Celebrate Recovery helps you to navigate through those difficult times, and helps you understand what a clear vision of your life could be. Until next month, God bless you all.



“All In”


Awesome Power Of Vision