Awesome Power Of Vision
Celebrate Recovery Blog December 2024
“Awesome power of Vision”
Sometimes life may feel like things are spiraling out of our control, and if you have ever felt that way, you may wonder what can be done to right the ship. By ourselves, there is very little that we can do to get our lives back on track. With God however, all things are possible!
Proverbs 29:18 (NIV) “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.”
Celebrate Recovery’s first two lessons help us to understand that until we step out of “Denial” and admit that we are “Powerless” to control our tendencies to do the wrong thing, and have a relationship with our higher power Jesus Christ, our lives tend to spiral out of control.
Matthew 6:22-23 states “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”
Having a vision for our lives then becomes a very important part of any Christians life, especially when you happen to be in recovery. Seeing your future with faith instead of fear can give your life a whole new meaning. The title of this blog comes from a Three-day seminar that I sat in on from Pastor Rick Warren titled, “ Seeing your future with faith not fear.” The following statements are from the notes that I took
during that seminar. Having a vision for your future can be hard work, seeing things clearly on your own power may lead to indecision, division, and eventually collision. Without clear direction for your life sooner or later you are going to crash. Let’s examine what looking at your future through the eyes of fear may look like.
There are Four clear signs to look out for if you are living in fear:
Sadness increases
Complaining increases
Second guessing your leaders
You want to go back to a prior time in your life
We tend to over emphasize the negative. We pay too much attention to what others are doing. We underestimate the abilities God has given us. Seeing our life through the eyes of fear causes us to bury our talents instead of using them to help others along the way. And finally, pride leads to destruction. The number One point that Pastor Warren made at the end of this session was “You cannot live in faith unless
you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!” Celebrate Recovery is the vehicle to navigate the sin and all the “HURTS, HABITS AND HANGUPS” we encounter in our lives. Jesus Christ is the driver that we need to get where we are going. Next month this blog will delve into the second and third parts of the seminar with seeing your future with Faith.
Until next time God Bless you all!