“All In”

Celebrate recovery Blog February 2025

All In

In the NIV translation of the Bible, ROMANS 12:2 states; Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Last month I spoke to you about setting goals for yourself, and what that could look like when you do. However, that takes faith and discipline which let us face it, is exceedingly difficult to do. In the past couple of months, I have been going to the Friday morning men’s group at GNCC. Our focus has been on a study of the book of Joshua in the Bible. If you have never actually studied that chapter of the Bible, I urge you to do so. Towards the end of the story of Joshua, the chapter recounts Joshua’s life as it mirrors our lives and all the struggles that we as well as Joshua struggled through. It also captures God’s faithfulness to Joshua, as well as to you and to me. In his faithfulness, God works through and in people, to remind us that we are standing on the shoulders of the people that have gone before us. What Joshua and God are really saying is that putting our trust in God is an all-in decision. Not halfway, not three quarters, ALL IN! To do that we have to refocus our minds, set lofty goals for ourselves, and trust that when we do so, God will be faithful and just. Our lives will take on a whole new meaning!

Through the help of the Celebrate Recovery ministry, we start to understand that in our past lives what we have done or what has been done to us is not only forgiven but forgotten as well. We understand that people that have come before us have lived the same kind of temptation and sin-filled life that we have. Yet, God blessed them with a life of unimaginable love and faithfulness. How can we not choose an all-in commitment? God knows that it will take time for some of us to get to that point. God is patient, God is kind, God is love. God does not want us to forget our past struggles, because it reminds us of what not to do when we genuinely want to change our lives. He wants us to look at those circumstances and see where God was in them. How was he able to use those circumstances for our good? What did it teach us? Celebrate

Recovery can help you get through those parts of your past that you may not be so proud of. Let CR help guide you to an all in commitment to Jesus Christ. Wasn’t he all in for us?

Until next month, God Bless. Celebrate Recovery every Tuesday at 7:00 pm Good News Community Church




“Awesome Power of Vision” (Part 2)