Jesus Was a Leader Volume 3

In his book “ Gentle and Lowly” Dane Ortlund, writes about the heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers. Chapter 14, Father of mercies, references the correlation of the Father, the Son, and the oneness that we seem to take for granted at times. 2nd Corinthians 1:3-4 states; “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves receive from God.” In his letter to the Corinthians the apostle Paul gives us a window into what came into his mind when he thought about God. Yes, the Father is just and righteous, unswervingly, unendingly. Without such a doctrine, we as a people would have no hope that all our wrongs could one day be righted. However, what is his heart? What flows out from the heart of God? Mercies, He is the Father of mercies. Every single day His mercies are new. If your heart is hard, his mercies are tender. If your heart is dead, His mercy will liven it. If you are sick, he has mercy to heal you. If you are sinful, he has mercies to sanctify and cleanse you. As large and various are our wants, so large and various are his mercies. The conclusion here is that we may boldly come to the Father to find grace and mercy for every single need no matter how large or small they may be.

So, what then would be the defining mysteries of grace? God’s grace gives us the advantage of separating ourselves from the pain of our past. Because of grace we have the advantage of separating ourselves from hopelessness, sorrow, and shame, what others think about us. We can separate ourselves from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, and all of this without restraint. With God’s grace we can embrace the reality of true freedom. However, if we do not tie up loose ends that exist in our minds and our emotions, or if we do not restrain every negative thought, we will not behave differently or eliminate the things in our lives that hinder our steps or slow down our progression. In other words, when our minds are guarded, and we are alert and concentrating on the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ we can observe and evaluate thoughts and actions quickly and not allow them to hinder our progression in any situation.

As you consider the heart of Jesus Christ, and all his grace and mercy that he has for us. Remember then, His mercies will multiply and match every single need that you take to him, but also consider that as gentle as you treat yourself, Jesus’ tenderness outweighs what you are even capable of toward yourself! The heart of Jesus Christ is gentle and lowly, and that is the perfect picture of who the Father is! The Father himself loves you!!!! As you contemplate these words, think about your leadership skills. Do you lead by example? Do you lead with a heart full of grace and mercy? Do you exude love in your words and actions? Whatever your style of leadership, just know that leading with a heart full of grace, mercy, and love are truly the attributes that Jesus Christ intended for us to follow.

Portions of this blog were taken from the book, “ Gentle and Lowly” by Dane Ortlund, and from a podcast by pastor Rick Warren, “Renewing your mind.”

Until next month May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest within you. Don.


Jesus Was a Leader Volume 4


Jesus Was a Leader Volume 2