Jesus was a Leader

Last month I wrote about being authentic in your recovery, what that entailed, and what Jesus’ response would be when we were not truthful and authentic with him.

Being a leader in these times is not much different than they were when Jesus was teaching the world about his ministry given to him by the Father. Christians were persecuted, sin was rampant, people were searching for miracles, Dictators wanted to rule the world. What a time to lead, Christians are basically deconstructing, racism is horrific, evangelical seems to be a bad word anymore. The housing crisis is impossible, volunteers are sometimes unrecruitable, It’s a tough time to be a leader!

I know that sounds unrealistic, but it is true. When the bottom falls out in your outer world, you are finally ready to turn to your inner world because frankly sometimes that is all you have left. And it is at that point ladies and gentlemen, that is where you find God! He is a great foundation to lean on. In order for God to save the world, he had to send us a leader. A leader that could lead and love well, and at the same time teach us the correct way that the Father wanted us to live.

How does this relate to the Celebrate Recovery ministry? When someone goes through the entire Celebrate Recovery program, and they are truly authentic in their recovery, they lean on God to help them discover forgiveness, peace, serenity, joy, happiness and most of all a greater relationship with Jesus Christ. Many times, they desire to become a leader. In fact, the Celebrate recovery ministry is known to be a leadership factory so to speak. You see, the final lesson in the CR ministry is all about giving back. Once you have learned how to understand where your sin leads you astray, what causes the behavior, and how to defeat the thought processes that lead you there, the participant is then ready to help those that struggle with similar issues that helped them to recover.

Now, an important truth for us to remember is; the main thing God gets out of your life is the person you become. Not the resume you have. Not the ministry you build. Not the things you accumulate. Not the team you lead. It’s the person you become that you take into eternity.

In the coming months the CR blog is going to concentrate on how Jesus called us to follow him by his example, which in turn will help us to lead others to a life of unimaginable peace. (portions of this blog are from a devotional called the “The Leader’s Moment).

Until next month We at the Celebrate Recovery ministry wish you all a Joyous and Merry Christmas, celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.


Jesus Was a Leader Volume 2


Being Authentic